Why Bury Money?
Why Bury Money? Why indeed! But it is occurring everyday in every municipality on this continent. At a time,
when city coffers are dry and nobody wants to raise taxes, a good source of new revenue is being sent to the landfill and being buried. Solid organic waste when converted to good quality compost is worth $16.00 to $65.00 a cubic yard. Imagine what the annual revenue stream could be on the thousands of tons of organics if only it were diverted. Then imagine what could be done with the money.
I can hear the nay-sayers now…..”but the cost of setting up the composting system is prohibitive.” As the old timers used to say, hog wash! The XACT BioReactor Composting System pencils so well because of its low operating costs, minimal manpower, land, and energy requirements. The typical Return on Investment for a large system is 2 years or less. Plus, it is clean system with ridiculously low odor, emissions or leachates. The precise engineering and robust carbon steel construction of the BioReactor provides reliable 24/7 operation. Check out the website: xactsystemscomposting.com and read about the success stories of others who have stopped burying their money (and are spending it!!!)