Are You Attending the International Poultry Expo in Atlanta This Week?
Are You Attending the International Poultry Expo in Atlanta This Week?
If so, stop in at the Farmer Automatic booth in Hall C booth number C13007 and learn how to successfully compost all poultry waste. There, you will find us, XACT Systems Inc. and the awesome BioReactor.
When you compost poultry litter and all your other poultry waste with the BioReactor, you will realize economic benefits (always a good thing), and environmental benefits. Converting waste into quality compost allows you to capitalize on the nutrient value of the waste. Because traditional methods of managing these wastes are incurring high costs, are creating health hazards and odor problems in the surrounding communities, and are causing damage to the environment, there is a need to treat these huge volumes of organic waste with technological innovation.
The BioReactor Composting System
The BioReactor Composting System is a rotating drum that converts any solid organic waste into compost. It complies with the fundamentals of composting* regulations by tightly controlling the parameters of the composting process. The BioReactor makes an ideal environment for the oxygen-loving bacteria to thrive and decompose the material. The BioReactor will process large volumes of organic waste quickly, and will do so without the occurrence of hazardous leachates.
On Wednesday, January 28th, XACT Systems will make a presentation describing 2 separate pilot projects that were conducted on poultry farms composting various types of poultry waste. One test took place in Brazil and the other in New York State. The test results proved that the BioReactor composting system will compost organic poultry waste in 7 days (or less), and will produce a light fluffy compost that is pathogen-free (including salmonella and coliforms), odor-free, weed-seed free, insect larvae-fee and mature. Indeed, the compost bears no resemblance to the waste from which it was produced.
This compost has tremendous value if sold in bags or bulk because it makes an excellent soil amendment due to its organic matter and nutrient content. Indeed, the compost no longer has harmful bacteria in it to cause disease so can be spread on land close to water sources. Because the BioReactor is situated on site, the cost of hauling poultry waste is eliminated. Depending on the facility’s situation, the compost can be used on site or sold to others.
* Composting is defined as a process of biological decomposition of biodegradable organic fraction of the waste, carried out by a diverse population of organisms under controlled aerobic conditions and other parameters (ratio of carbon: nitrogen, moisture, temperature, pH, particle size, porosity, homogeneity of the mixture).
If you are planning to go to the International Poultry Expo (IPPE) in Atlanta January 27-29, 2015, please consider attending the presentation and visiting us at booth C13007. We will be at the Farmer Automatic booth in Hall C…again the booth number is C13007. Hope to see you there!